Rhinoplasty for a Long Nose

There are many kinds of imperfections that affect the appearance of the face. Some of these issues are genetic while others are the result of injury or the environment. When it comes to correcting the appearance of the nose, undergoing a rhinoplasty (nose job) can make a major difference.

San Mateo, CA plastic surgeon John. R. Griffin would like to consider how this popular nasal surgery can help people who have long noses. First, we’ll describe what features cause someone to have a long nose, and then go over some ways these features can be revised.

What Does it Mean to Have a Long Nose?

For most people, having a long nose refers to the overall vertical length of the nose rather than the outward protrusion of the tip of the nose. This means that the tip of the nose tends to droop downward, giving the nose an elongated or hook-like appearance. The downward angle of the tip of the nose can be extremely pronounced in some cases. This may be exacerbated by outward protrusion of the tip of the nose caused by the nasal bridge or an elongated septum.

People who have long noses tend to feel self-conscious about the way they look. Their nose may be too prominent on their face, detracting from their other facial features.

How Rhinoplasty Can Help

Generally speaking, people find shorter noses with slightly upturned angles more appealing. A rhinoplasty can reshape various structures of a person’s nose, improving their overall appearance in the process.

By altering the tip of the nose and removing bumps or ridges that make the bridge seem pronounced, patients will have a nose that doesn’t appear as long or as prominent. Even a subtle adjustment of just the tip of the nose can make a world of difference whether someone is viewed straight on or in profile.

Good Candidates for Rhinoplasty

Ideal candidates for rhinoplasty are people who have issues with the appearance of their nose. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from medical conditions that would make the procedure a risk to general wellness.

The Procedure for Shortening the Nose

As noted above, nose shortening surgery can target the nasal bridge, the tip of the nose, and the elongated septum. The ideal methods of adjusting each of these structures will be determined during the consultation process.

Generally speaking, a plastic surgeon can make these adjustments by performing either an open rhinoplasty or a closed rhinoplasty.

  • Open Rhinoplasty - An open rhinoplasty involves an incision made along the columella, the skin that separates the nostrils. Through this incision, a facial plastic surgeon has a lot of ability to reshape the various structures of the nose.
  • Closed Rhinoplasty - During a close rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside of a patient’s nostrils. While the incisions are hidden, plastic surgeons are limited in the extent of adjustments they can make.

The Results of Rhinoplasty

After undergoing a rhinoplasty, patients should notice a shorter nose. The angle of the tip of the nose will be revised, as will the shape of the nasal bridge. Both can have a dramatic impact on the appearance of the face. Even if an open rhinoplasty is performed, surgical scarring will be difficult to detect.

Contact Dr. John. R. Griffin

To learn more about rhinoplasty and whether or not it’s the ideal surgery for you, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. We look forward to your visit and discussing your treatment options in much greater detail. You can also reach our practice by phone at (650) 348-1503.

September 29, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face